Hi my name is Erica, I am a wife, mum and school teacher.

Chronicles of Play was born from

my love of being creative

my passion for play


my wanting to be honest about how simple play can actually be. 

As a Primary School Teacher I honestly believe that play is how we learn best. 

Play is how children learn to interact with the world around them. As they grow up, play and exploring helps them make sense of their surrounds and to fully understand who they are in their world. It is how they develop the initial skills that will help them in their daily life as they grow and continue to develop.

Simple activities can have such a profound impact on a child’s development and that can start from the moment they are born. 

Now while I am passionate about play I also want to stress that I get it!

Life is busy and that is exactly why the activities you will find here are simple and easy!

I hope that while you are here you discover how simple it is to play with your kiddos. 




Teacher • Mum • Author •